“I think I’ve improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober.”

Rob Halford


September 18 1981: I went to meet with a man from a 12 step program. He said words that forever changed my life.

He asked ” what caused all the problems I am having right now?”

Without thinking about it I answered “Drinking did”

I have been sober since that moment. I can’t say my life got wonderful after that, or that I didn’t have any more problems.  I had plenty, maybe more than my share. I did get to face those things without alcohol.
I can’t say I was without drugs during that time. Illegal drugs’ no. Drug doctors gave me after the multiple car accidents yes, Morphine, tramadol, Demerol, and host of others but the second I left the hospital I stopped those.

Thanks Bill

What I didn’t mention earlier I woke with a severe headache, possibly a small stroke. The only reason I mention it here is in case something does happen.

I felt the pulse in my temple and it was strange, it would beat once then pause, beat two more times then pause, and then beat four times then long pause. I am no doctor but it seems that something was interrupting the blood flow. Pulse on my wrist normal. Pulse on my right temple not so normal.
Will I do something about it today probably not. I will mention to a doctor next time I want to waste my day sitting in the ER.

The fun stuff started my new compressor for the first time and filled my big tank, the big tank held but the new safety valve didn’t it leaks. I have one ready in my Amazon shopping cart.
I filled the two tires on the donor truck. I will wait till tomorrow to see if they hold air.

If they do I will try to get my garage doors open. The ones I sealed with foam, I anticipate have to cut through the foam with a Sawzall, to get them open. Then comes the fun part towing the thing outside and try to move it over so it is not in the way for snow removal.

Oh just had a bad thought, the snowblower will throw rocks from the driveway right through the windows. I will have to see if I want to move the truck up the hill for the winter. If I do that there will not be any way to bring it down again until May. More decisions

Last thing I heard something somewhere that made me belly laugh. Maybe you won’t find it funny but I did.

Why would an alien visiting Earth leave his lights on?