“The obvious rule of efficiency is you don’t want to spend more time organizing than it’s worth.”

Daniel Levitin

I have started a calendar on google, ya I know just another way for Google to mine personal information. I am going to try to dedicate a day each week for certain areas in my life.

Thursdays have now become garage day. So I will try to focus on just garage work. Today I need to cut through expanding foam and try to get the garage doors open Then if my body permits, move the donor truck out.

Then comes cleanup, organizing, moving lumber outside. Sweeping, vacuuming and when all that is done move the old girl inside and change the fuel filter. Soon after that total collapse.

Kidding, I expect pain my joints are already hurting, elbows, knees, and shoulders. Still having chest pains, I can feel a headache forming up in my skull, and of course all the old stand by’s constant back pain, knee pain, wrist pain, ankle pain, OMG  what a pain. Whatever, as always needs doing.

By next week it is wood chopping time again. I saw a minus 3 in the forecast.

Do I think I will get all that done? Nope, but at least now I know what the objective is.


BP 118/78 resting pulse 66 bpm. YUP got my portable BP cuff.

The donor 1990 Chevy 4×4. Parts from here will end up on Lucille. My 1955 1st series Chevy pickup

Well the old girl is in the garage, the donor outside for now I sweated up a storm.
After a ten minute rest, bp is 113/72 with a pulse of 71. Sweated a bucket full. When I was swinging the sledgehammer to break the door free from the expanding foam, I am sure my heart rate was over a hundred still pretty good for a man my age.