“Liberty for wolves is death to the lambs.”

Isaiah Berlin

Just writing now. These are pics taken just after 8 am. I apologize for the smudge on my lens probably some leftover oil from my oil change yesterday. I had to get inside quickly after a few more pics and lens cleaning, I heard a very insidious growl in the bushes to the left of me. I think the wolves are back.

I will have to remember my rifle when I go out. No, I don’t shoot them unless they attack. I have been attacked on my own land twice, but those were not wolves, but Coy wolves a very aggressive crossbreed. One of those did die suddenly. I was carrying my rifle that day.

I wrote about one encounter with my wolves here.

I should mention that a few weeks ago they killed my favorite cat Pan Pan. He already had a very hard life and was the sweetest the friendliest cat I ever had. I miss him… I am not angry with them, but I am angry with me. It is my fault he got outside. When I finish grieving I will write about him.  For now, I just remember him.

Fall lasted about a week here as it normally does, the leaves have started falling. In a short few days, the trees will be bare and covered in frost or snow. Soon the flocks that have gathered will make their trip south and the winter birds will move in. I keep them fed, If I don’t I have them getting angry and making a lot of noise outside when I do feed them I am rewarded with singing and low flybys. Sometimes even taking food right from my hand. They keep me company while I chop wood. They warn me of any danger.




BP TODAY 121/77 68 bpm