“The fog comes on little cat feet.” 

Carl Sandburg

I just woke a while ago I beat the sunrise by a few minutes. I am not a hero for waking up early.  I have the triplets to thank for that. Three orange cats that parkoured  (run up the wall, do a back flip and drop down with a crash) to let me know the food bowl is empty. I just watched an orange jump straight up 6 feet to end the life of a small flying insect that sought refuge from the cold that was coming Thursday.

My cats don’t come in like the fog in the Sandburg poem, mine sound like caffeinated elephants wearing army boots doing the Olympics. When there isn’t food they communicate that clearly, so do the birds in winter, if the bird feeder is empty I hear screeching if they have food they sing. I have been trained well. There is something oddly satisfying watching them gather at the food bowls, I would guess that those that love to cook would understand. The cats love to watch the little birds flying in and out of the feeder through the window. So do I, except I don’t want to eat them. Yikes








Today is another garage day, Today I have to do the fuel filter in Gracie, I got the oil done the other day and that took way too long I imagine this will too. Working with old vehicles adds to the challenge. I could pay someone to do this. But that would mean waiting till there was extra money to do that. Besides that, there is some satisfaction in doing the job yourself, overcoming the obstacles blah blah blah. The real reason, it needs doing, same as always.

The chopping block. “Here we go again down the only road.” hahaha

In a couple of days, the snow is coming, I need Gracie to run right or my jobs get harder. Then add the other jobs, get the wind gen up and wired, (up on the roof attached to an 80 pound steel pole!!!) service the snowblower, sharpen the axes, see if something can be done for the poor old wheelbarrow (It has rusted through after years of service.) The thing will need attention before I start doing 500 pound daily loads of wood for warmth. I will have to fire up the welder see if it is functional. The roof leaked in a new place last year right onto the welder, It never leaked there since or before. I suspect it was Gremlins 😀

Now it may sound like I am whining and complaining I am not, this journal is about my day. If I wanted to whine, I would talk about the pain I endure every day just doing the simple things. It is what it is.

Take care and be safe. Be good to the little critters even if they pee on the woodstove like mine did.



Enjoy the music. Can’t believe I had hair like that, but I did. Just not blond.


BP 121/80 68 BPM at rest