“Thankfully, dreams can change. If we’d all stuck with our first dream, the world would be overrun with cowboys and princesses.”

Stephen Colbert

Sadie & Arthur RDR 2

Not much into writing today, Injured my lower back, it has nothing to do with the car accident injuries. It is an old problem, just threw my lower back out. I will have to wait it out like I always do.  I just finished sweeping the cat’s room with a hand broom on my knees. I broke my last corn broom and left it in a cats room. Big mistake, it confused them, and they used it for a litter box until it was soaking wet. Yup, you guessed it, into the fire that went. I would go to town and get another but the van is still up on jacks in the shop.

Today was the day I was going to change that fuel filter, but laying on a sore lower back and trying to get up from that doesn’t sound like fun. So I am going to play Red dead instead. I wanna be a cowboy baby.

Only that needed a 2 gig update. Waiting for that to finish right now. Here is a song from the game with footage.


BP 123/77 BPM 68 at rest