“Listen, sharing my life with people is just part of my daily routine.”

Rita Ora

My morning. I am awakened by hungry cats, this time at 8:48 am. The time is insignificant because they also woke  many times during the night and early morning.

First grab my coffee cup and shuffle, I mean shuffle. I walk like one of the undead first thing in the morning. Put the coffee on the kitchen counter and shuffle over to the bathroom, all the fluid has reached my bladder and desperately wants out. I get that done.

I shuffle back to the kitchen and pour water into the kettle, some from the thermos some from the water bottle. The water bottle is almost empty. I turn on the gas on the old camp stove, grab an old barbecue lighter, been empty for a year but the sparky thing still lights the stove.

Water is cooking for coffee. Onto the empty water bottle, I reach down into the bucket under the filters and hoist out the 1 gallon bottle that is the result of filtering all night. Replace that with an empty one. I check the level in the filtering tank, it’s low. I head over to the stage one filtering system shut the valve, grab the 5 gallon bucket. It only has a gallon in it from filtering. The filter needs cleaning. That needs doing every few days. I learned that having a stage one filter save me from constantly cleaning the stage two filters. Stage one filter remove the algae and bugs and a lot of the bad things, the stage two filters remove the farm chemicals, metals and a lot of other harmful chemicals. In the end I get pure water, better than any store-bought water, which is usually made by a company owned by Nestle. Another very bad mega-company.

I pour that water into stage 2 filter tank. Replace the catchment bucket under stage 1. I check that level and it is also low. I head out to the garage grab a full 5-gallon bucket of rainwater, that I collected a few days earlier, carry that back into the kitchen Then comes the fun part. With my arthritic elbows and shoulders, I lift the 5 gallons, 4 feet up and refill the stage one filter tank. Oh yea and my lungs not making enough oxygen, I am completely out of breath. I figured out why and I will discuss that in a further post.

When I designed the system I had envisioned a system that I pour water into a tank, then it feeds over to the second tank with a float valve and then into the water bottles at the bottom. It would mean only handling the water once, but I never did finish it because I put it into production right away.

Next is cats I have three food bowls and three water bowls to fill. My cats get the same water I do, I take the newly filtered water fill thier bowls, Then onto the food tub and fill 3 one liter yogurt tubs with catfood. They only like Whiskas, yea I know all about the Thai union using human trafficked slave labour to fish the tuna, and then transfer that on to ships at sea so they can sneak that fish into North America. But I ask you if I stop buying that what do you think they are going to do with those people Do you think they are going to get health benefits and severance packages, or more likely they will end up with appendages severed and thrown into the ocean. Way to go Mars corporation, should have stuck to chocolate bars, assholes

From what I read it won’t matter in twenty years because the oceans will be empty due to overfishing.

Back to the routine, water for coffee is almost boiled, I get a filter ready for the cone, and spoon a couple of tablespoons of coffee in there, squirt a little MCT oil into the cup and start pouring hot water, as my coffee filters I fill a thermos full of hot water for coffee later in the day. I don’t know if this saves any cooking fuel or not, but it does save me the trouble of heating water later in the day.

I take notice that I am down to three paper filters left, out of powdered milk, thank God for shopping on Friday, except snow is also coming that day. I will be able to test out the new snow tires. I will aslo will be able to see if I cut enough metal from the fenders to clear the tires I moved from the back of the van to the front, when I got the new tires. They are not really snow tires but all-terrain tires made for a truck. I am sure I will let you know how that works out.

All the jobs done, I wander out and snap a few pics of the morning, geese are on their way south now, the leaves have fallen to the ground, they both know that snow is on its way. Maybe they read the weather report like I did on the Internet.

Back inside I grab my coffee and head back into the office to start writing, I forward the pics by email from my phone and pick them up on my laptop, saved them to the hard drive then upload them to this site. After that resize and put borders on the pics. Time elapsed so far one hour.

Next job look for a quote that might have something to do with my writing. Then the fun part look for some music that might fit. I guess my timing is good I hear the rain hitting the sheet metal roof, I wasn’t standing in the rain taking pics. That also means I won’t be generating much electricity through solar today.  Having the wind generator sitting in my wood workshop after two windy days is a little frustrating. I will get that up soon.

Next check my BP and pulse   BP116/75     68   BPM.  I  bought a machine when I thought my BP might be high.

After all that look for errors in my writing, fix those then publish. Time elapsed 1 hour 15 minutes. Now time to have that coffee and answer emails. That is after I check the post again, yup I find out the period key on my keyboard is failing, need one of those too

Take care and be safe


UPDATE: I got my fuel filter changed, the 15-minute job took 3 or 4 hours. I tried to start the van and nothing. I am sad about that. Maybe it takes some time to pressure up the fuel system I will have to check online for that answer. I did blow through the old filter it looked like a chunk of cat hair came out. Even there, I can’t imagine that.