“Character is formed in the stormy billows of the world.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Dark outside, my solar panels are talking but all they are saying is nuhh uhh. I won’t be generating solar power today, and tomorrow doesn’t look good either. An epic fall snowstorm is about to hit Alberta I will be spared the heavy snowfall but the cold is coming. Up to 61 cm of snow will drop in Southern Alberta.

For me, it will rain heavy then freeze, not ideal conditions for travel. I do need to get some groceries, out of cream for coffee and the other thing too, food. I am down to pasta and OMG (keenwa) quinoa. I am sure that has been in the pantry since before Obama, I mean his birth.

I will add more writing later.

I am back had a quick wash, I don’t have the luxury of a hot bath every morning like I used to.  I am ok with that, everything I do now is to see if I could survive off-grid, that means no running water. Now that is a blessing really since my surrounding farmers love to use toxic chemicals. Those run into my pond when the snow melts. I have had a lot of animals die here of mutations, cancers and a lot of worse. A couple of them died in my arms, heartbreaking what we do in the name of bigger profits.

Since I have been making my own pure water none of that is happening. My pets drink what I drink.

So I learned my bathing techniques while I served in the military, quite often the system that made fresh water from ocean water would break down. Then we would have water restrictions aboard our ship, that meant having a birdbath, or sometimes knows as a whore’s bath. Soap up then rinse off. Not much to that The great thing this can be done with less than a gallon of water. Not the 80 gallons that needed to be heated by electricity. In the winter I use snow water melted and heated on the woodstove. Usually happens in front of the woodstove and all the heat that comes with. I wonder what the “NORMAL PEOPLE” will do when the grid fails. It has a few times already and will again.

I plan to lower the van of the jacks try to get it started and try to make it to town. Hopefully, there is some money in the bank and I can pick up a few groceries. Rush back home and chop wood. It’s that time of year again.

Got the old girl started went to town got a few groceries. I will wait to see if I wake up to snow in the morning before going to the big city. Did not do wood chopping its pouring rain, but I will have to do some tomorrow, I will also have to fire up the chainsaw. I am not looking forward to any of that. Once I start doing that I will have to keep doing that till the end of May, every day.



BP121/81 BPM 74