“I love to smile, even through pain.”

Victoria Arlen

I wish I could tell you I have an interesting topic to discuss, but I don’t I only have what happens in my life on a day-to-day basis. Some days are ok, some are not.

I am 62 years old. I am disabled and seem to have a myriad of health problems. The latest is a problem breathing, I convinced a doctor to send me to a respiratory clinic to have my lungs tested, at first the preliminary report was I have Asthma, but a followup call, concluded I did not. I also have sudden pain in most of my joints, I have a real hard time lifting my arms, even to put a jacket on. The chainsaw will be a challenge. The axe even bigger one. I no choice but to fight through the pain or freeze.

I still do have a problem breathing, fatigue and a lot of other symptoms. After some more reading, I read about DVT deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Caused by sitting in a chair for too long. I am guilty of that. Too fatigued to do much that is physical, and dying as a secondary result of that.

I have a deep pain in my left carotid. Something I told another doctor about last week or the week before. He promised a carotid ultrasound. It never happened.

Monday I will try to get that done, which aligns with the receipt of the final report from the respiratory clinic. The only problem is a free moving clot or loose plaques could kill me before then.

Right now my house is cold, colder weather is coming in two days, I need to chainsaw and chop wood. Last time I tried a few days ago I hardly made it back to the house and when I did I slipped on the ice and had a wheelbarrow full of firewood fall on me. By the time I got the wheelbarrow loaded again and got it in the house, I had to collapse on the couch for a half-hour to recuperate.

So now I have a little fear about doing it again especially knowing what I know now, about the cause. A blood clot in my lung that could dislodge and stop my heart or enter my brain and cause a massive stroke. Now I am not a doctor, I just read about my symptoms n the internet on those little clinic websites like the Mayo and others.

My biggest job will be convincing a doctor of my findings. They really hate being told.

For now, I will try to get out of my chair more often, get on the treadmill, and support my favorite mega-corp to hate. Bayer. I mean after the water stealing Nestle.

It means I am taking a low dose of aspirin every day. If my posts suddenly end, I didn’t make it and the cats need food.

Well I didn’t die but I sure didn’t do any hard work either, but i did do a little treadmill, just a quarter mile

This time I had my new bp meter


STARTING 138/90 92

DURING 131/97 111

AT END 132/83 107

AT REST  129/82  72

Crazy. Right, as good as a thirty-year-old the meter may be wrong but mostly the heart rate I am interested in right now. I ordered a fitness tracker watch, it is being sent over from China. I think someone is walking it over the plastic garbage sea. Might be here before Christmas.

Take care, be safe and get out of that chair and walk around a bit. Don’t die from Chair death.