“You know how to stay young? Go with the flow.”

Eva Marie Saint

I had all intentions of going into the hospital to get my resp. Clinic results and ask about the other things going on.

I was up at three went back to bed at 6:45 woke up at ten-thirty. I had soy in my cereal, bought by mistake, instead of almond or coconut milk. That caused huge elephant shaming farts. I thought about sitting in the hospital waiting room scaring people to death. Decided against that.

I put on bathwater on the wood stove and turned up the heat, then fell asleep. Bu the time I got to that it was boiling had to set it aside to cool.

I decided after all that I could wait a day, I could use another load of wood in case we do get hit with big wet snow.

My garage still needs more cleanup. I got other things that need doing.

I also decided to shave my head. No I didn’t join the Hare Krishnas. I thought it would be a good idea to see if there were any more moles.

just woke Grizzled Adams

mr clean

It is always a bad idea for a woodchopper to do that this time of year. With cold weather comes a cold head.



This ad came out when I was 5 years old.