“Red sky at night sailors delight, Red sky in the morning sailors take warning”

Something I heard when I was in the Navy.

Matthew 16:2-3
“When it is evening, ye say, fair weather: for the heaven is red. And in the morning, foul weather today for the heaven is red and lowering.” Jesus of Nazareth

Again my cell phone camera fails to capture the deep red sky. The forecast from two weather services does not agree with the sky.  Is there scientific validity to the words, the answer is yes in some cases depending on the direction of the flow of the weather. I found this article here.


For me I have always found it very accurate, I guess we will see.

Today was the day I was going to try another fruitless visit to the hospital. It was dark out I have a tire that is low I would have to haul the snowblower out, then the Gas-powered compressor out. After all, that fire it up and fill the tire. Then put it all back.

I plan to do that later in the day, This time I will fill the small compressor tank and maybe even put it in the van.
I still have a lot of work to do in the garage to get it ready for winter. The work is getting done but very slowly I have big pain in my left shoulder and both elbows. I did manage to chop wood yesterday and I did finish putting up a vapor barrier on the garage doors. I have yet to put osb up on the inside of them.

In the old days (before age and injuries) that would have been done in an afternoon. Now three or four days go by.

UPDATE: It rained hard and then froze.