“Coffee has always been a significant part of my life. For me, it’s a chance to start my day and gather my thoughts – it’s fuel for my creative process.”

Connor Franta

My mornings consist of the basics, food, water, fire, coffee and cat litter. Only the coffee is for me 😀

I crawl out of bed make the noises old broken men do, look for shoes stumble over to the lavatory. Next is check the water filter.  The full water bottle is changed for an empty one, I move on to the next task, fill the water bowls of the cats. Every morning there is another gallon of filtered water, most of that goes to the cats, but some does go into the kettle for coffee.

If there is no hot water in the thermos, I have to make my first decision of the day, can I wait for the woodstove to heat the water to make coffee or do I use propane to make hot water now. Today the decision is now. I start the cook stove fill the kettle and head out to the next task, fill the cat bowls, glance over at the fire, looking for a flame. No such luck this morning.

I grab a poker and stir the coals and see some life, add more wood thankful that I chopped yesterday.

The cats are happy I chopped wood too.

Why? I can see that winter’s first snow has arrived. Winter isn’t defined here by dates. Winter is defined by snow and when it retreats and the leaves turn green again.

The snow is falling heavy even though you can’t see it in the pic, sure to turn to rain later.









Fire is burning, I glance at the cat food bowls, almost empty, a quick stop at the litter box and pour some wood pellets so that my cats got a clean place to poop, much better than the floor.

Quickly put on my snow boots head outside and snap the pics you see here.

The cat bowls now topped off. It’s time to make my morning coffee, the best part of my morning. Soon I get to relax and sit at my laptop and enjoy my hormone free powdered full-fat milk, and Folgers poured through a paper cone filter.

Water needs hotter

And that is when I put down the words here. I am sure I will have more to say later but that’s it for now.