“When a gust of wind hits a broken bone, you feel it.”

Shia LaBeouf

I just shoveled a path out to the woodpile and grabbed a log so big it filled the wheelbarrow.

When I got that unloaded I filled the barrow with the last of the wood I split a few days ago. Added a 40-pound bag of pellets. No big deal right?

Early this morning I lost my balance I think it is the concussion I received when I stopped a hammer with my skull. It was up on top of a ten-foot ladder I am six feet so the hammer fell four feet.

When I fell in my crowded garage. I landed on my elbow hitting sharp metal, part of the new engine hoist.  The bone spur struck a very sharp edge with all my body weight behind it.  I can’t tell if it is broken.

I couldn’t get to a hospital to find out. There is over a foot of snow on my road and driveway. Not plowed. Chainsawing tomorrow will be fun.

It hurts like hell, but only when I use it. I did try to get the big log onto the splitter. No luck I ended up dropping it, my leg softened the blow before the 120-pound log hit the floor.

I did manage to load the wood and push it through the remaining snow and get it inside. Good thing, -21 tonight. Then a warm-up is coming they say. I don’t believe them.

When a cold front comes in it is a guest that always overstays its welcome.

Now I am repaying my oxygen debt on the couch. I am way overdrawn. And I just hit the damaged bone spur. Yikes, there was swearing.