“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

Mark Twain

On this day 5 years ago I was T-boned by a white truck with no daytime running lights, my passenger side window was slightly frosted. The sun was in exactly in the right position to blind me for a second. The truck travelling too fast hit my vehicle hard enough to push me down the road 100 feet from the corner. With a broken neck and back and a lot of other injuries, I crawled out of my burning jeep after grabbing my cellphone. One of my two dogs was killed instantly. I called fire, ambulance, and a kennel owner to take care of my animals.

This story starts long before that, while I was doing work as a computer technician, upgrading antivirus in a medical clinic a few years before. I have wanted to tell this story for a long time I have held off fearing that I wouldn’t be able to access health care. Since that is happening anyways I can tell the story and where I think it began.

If you are a health care provider you will not like to read these words, and the words I will write over the next few days or weeks, however long as it takes me to tell the events that transpired. You should read this so others will not have to go through what I am going through now and what I have endured over the last 5 years. It will take days to tell the story.

I am still grappling with telling the story at all. I have no need to be the center of attention, I prefer to be in the background. The idea of others going through similar things is what drives me to tell the story.

In summary, this story is a murder mystery. Why I was murdered and by who is up to you to discover, I can only give you the facts as I saw them. In this turn of events, you will read about a bad wife, bad governments, a bad neighbor, bad doctors, nurses and hospitals, bad food companies and my least favorite, bad pharmaceutical companies.

I hope I can finish the story before I draw my last breath. Maybe that will happen sooner because of these words, they are sure to be inconvenient to some.