“The greatest evil is physical pain.”

Saint Augustine

This morning was rough. From 1 to 10, a definite 2. Every movement brought searing pain, elbows, shoulder, knees wrist, neck and especially back. I remember a scene from North Dallas forty, only I am doing this without beer, baths or cannabis. I was much worse than this for the first hour after waking.

Usually, it takes me a few minutes to get my body moving, an hour later, I am still shuffling slowly hardly able to lift my coffee.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, haha which I am, I would say that they have upped the dose of whatever is poisoning me because they don’t want me to tell the story about my experiences with the medical system and other Governments, Federal, Provincial and not to forget the least, my local county.

Even that would be far-fetched even by my standards to think I was being poisoned by people that are supposed to be working for me. Most likely it was the jar of Fatso peanut putter I spooned down my throat last night. Tasty stuff, but MCT oil doesn’t agree with me

I managed a slow shuffle outside to capture these pics of hoar frost. My body parts never did wake up. I managed to shuffle small steps and get the pics done. I am happy to be sitting at my computer having my morning coffee. I will hopefully add to my story later today, If not tomorrow.


The only option I have is to continue through the pain and keep writing until I can’t. I don’t think I will be getting the wind generator up, or the chainsawing done, but you never know. Getting cold and not having enough power to run my laptop is a good motivator 😀

Wood got split coz I needed to Not to stay warm but to get it out of my way. The rest of the logs I brought in were stacked in front of the door. My garage door has a pressure treated 2×6 on the bottom, over the years the old door has sagged. I already did this on one door last year, it is a terrible job. It involves Sawzall, sledge hammer and crowbar and an hour of doing that on your knees.

I got the job done, I need to make a trip into town, the last time I did that it took an hour to get the door opened and closed. I am low on supplies, some of which I ordered from Amazon. Groceries were going to be tight this month. I couldn’t make the trip into Costco to buy bilk items. I would be eating a lot of noodles, pasta, cereal, and beans this month. No problem I can make it work.

I get to try out the new muffler I hope it stays on I am a little worried about that. I will probably travel down back roads to see how it does. I expect it to be loud but mostly legal.

I am back at my desk soaked to the bone from the hard work. The wood is inside, fresh snow is melting on the woodstove, the catboxes are done, and while the gennie is running I hope to reward myself with a little xbox time.

We will get back to the story after I get back from town. If I am not murdered by the government for speaking my mind. Kidding, many have tried.