I am working on rewriting this so the timeline is in order but I am not finished yet.


“I have seen good nurses and bad nurses. They existed along a continuum: from hard-working, kind and competent people, to office-hugging, bone-idle types, to apathetic, disengaged automatons.”

Jo Brand

two quote day

Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Friday the 13th December 2019

I am not sure I will get to finish this story, I may die before I finish writing it. So I will summarize it best I can.

It’s all hard to believe, and they will tell you that I am crazy, a conspiracy theorist, paranoid, delusional.  The very same things I would say if I were them. I am none of those things except I am a little more a conspiracy theorist as a result of my dealings with doctors and nurses.

Who is pulling their strings? Let see I wrote a novel and in there is a story about the evils of pharma companies. That would be silly since only three people have read that novel.

The other possibility is that my cheating narcissistic sociopath of an ex-wife is spreading false rumours about me, I kicked her out for sleeping with everyone in town. She has tried everything to get even. Financial ruin and much worse even broke in and stole every photo album in the house except one. And she missed that one. She has more evil inside of her than anyone I have ever encountered, I was warned about her by the man she was cheating on to go out with me in the first place. I should have listened.

Back to where I think it all started.

A few years ago I had a thriving computer business in a small town in Northern Alberta. As long as I was good with the hidden good old boys club all was good.

It was when I had somehow lost favour that things changed. Every town has them, petty little power brokers that either work from profit or ego, doesn’t matter which. Eventually, the bad ones die and then are replaced with newer models, some worse some better. But always the same thing, power and money. Petty tyrants.

They make or break people’s lives for the wrong reasons. A whisper from one to another decides your fate. I had upset them. Perhaps that is where the troubles began. All through history the stories never change.

I was doing my job at the medical clinic one day. I was updating antivirus, while I was doing the job the administrator wanted to learn what I was doing. The day was near over, I mentioned that I would be back in the morning to finish. The response I got was foul and hostile.

The administrator said she would finish the job. A job she had no idea how to do, except for what I had just shown her. Looking back now it was an obvious trap. I had walked right into it. I was told that I wouldn’t be paid for the hours that I had worked that afternoon. I looked at her with a little disbelief and said no problem. For me it is simple you don’t pay me, I don’t do the work anymore. She had achieved the result she was after.

After years of thinking about this, it was the moment that things changed.

Skipping forward a few years I went into the ER to see a doctor about my lungs they were hurting. I asked about the results. I was told I would be called if there was anything wrong. I never got the call.

During that time the doctor had lost his son in a car accident. Three months later I got the call, I needed to come in. That morning the roads were extremely icy, I was 5 minutes late getting to the clinic. I was told I would not be allowed to see the doctor. Because of me being late.

So I asked the large woman behind the desk  “So you mean the doctor is exactly on time and the rest of the patients here won’t be sitting waiting in a chair for an hour waiting for the doctor?”

Her snide answer was we can re-book the appointment, she had a smirk on her face I would see many times in the coming years.

“Book me for November 2025” I walked out knowing I would never get treated right in that clinic. I have never been back since. That was only the beginning of the abuses, they would spread into the hospital, through the nurses’ stations and then onto the doctors. From there on it would spread to other hospitals in the area.

Do I think this administrator was the mastermind behind the bad treatment, maybe not but was certainly involved?

Whatever the reason, it is doctors and nurses acting as judges, jury and executioners. More than a  Canadian Veteran should have to endure.

Do I think I can beat them? Do I think they will be punished? Nope.

I have been tortured by them, nurses and doctors, refused health care too many times to count. Records were falsified by the doctors, lies were said by nurses, many attempts on my life were made while I was in the hospital Dec 2014 -2015.

Attempted murder by overdose, lack of care, bringing me food left out for two days, theft of medications. All done by a sadistic head nurse that convinced most of the other nurses to help in the torture by using the word non-compliant. That word should be banned in hospitals it is just an excuse to mistreat patients.

In the first few days there, I kept asking about my back injury, no one listened. I was told repeatedly not to move. One evening my meal was delivered I couldn’t reach it. I did have a nurse show up she used my bathroom to put on makeup, while I starved. It was obvious she was going out she was in there for a half-hour.

yup that’s me and my halo. Check out the blood dripping

During my stay in the Grande Prairie Hospital, I had a halo screwed into my skull, that tore out a few hours later. I found out later that that incident was not even entered into the medical record. Lucky I had an eye witness that took pictures seconds before and watched it tear out of my skull and relocate itself violently a few inches over withe screws trying to redrill into my skull.

I think that may have caused more neck damage, but when I tried to get copies of my Xrays through the freedom of information act, but I was laughed at and refused by a brunette working the desk in GP hospital Imaging.

I would be kept waiting for surgery there for three weeks, I was told once to get dressed I was going home with no surgery. Then after I was dressed I was told I would be staying for surgery I was told then I would be getting a plate put into my neck from the outside of the back of my neck.

I waited as patiently as I could while being tortured. When I asked why it was taking so long.  I was told by a doctor that parts needed for the surgery were lost in shipping. I found out that was a lie. They were used on another patient I met him later during a follow-up visit.

While I was there my bed was never changed, my roommate’s linens were, I had to change my bedding myself with a freshly broken neck. Was I an obnoxious patient? In no way. I did have a roommate during my long stay that was extremely obnoxious to the nurses he was treated like a king, I was not. If it wasn’t for one friendly nurse there my stay would have been unbearable.  She saw what was going on, as did some of my roommates which changed often.

Finally, on Boxing Day I was taken into surgery on a gurney and got a drive-by consultation while I was being wheeled in by the doctor or resident assisting in the surgery, the words used were “you might die or be paralyzed during the operation.” That was my only consul. Five years later I still have indentations from the clamps that held my head still. Hair won’t grow there.

On my way in there My beard was cut into 1970 mutton chops, they all had a good laugh at my expense over that, the surgeon still laughs at that, to this day.

More proof of the abuse.

The night before I was forced to leave I wasn’t given any painkillers it was a very hard night, when I saw the nurse handing out meds that morning I asked her why, and she told me that I did have the pills. She even showed me the signature of the nurse that gave me the pills. Guess who it was, yup the crazy charge nurse. Since the pills were worth 60 dollars each I had guessed she was also making extra on the side while torturing me.

The next day, Four days after surgery a black woman walked into my hospital room and basically told me I had an hour to get out of the bed and hospital.

I couldn’t swallow water. The hospital dietitian was in the room in shock over what was going on. How long could I survive without water or fluids? I know that answer, three days. I told the woman I didn’t even have a way home. Which was a hundred miles away, I could hardly walk. Her nasty answer was, you got here, didn’t you? I said yes by ambulance.

I made a call to my friend that worked in the Fairview hospital, I will call her “J”  so she isn’t suddenly murdered, more truth is often spoken in jest, she got a doctor to call me, he got me a room at another hospital. He saved my life but would turn on me later.

Now the interesting thing J has told me about all the tests she had no problem getting, she has had MRI’S , trips to a neurologist, HIV tests, Xrays and everything she has asked for. Me. I got a pulmonary test.  And a chest xray, and a couple of CBC blood tests. It was obvious health care workers are getting preferential treatment. Do you think that is right? I don’t.

Later on that day I was picked up in a van run by an EMT. I had to sit upright in extreme back pain while he played very loud bad music, he had the heat cranked so high I could hardly bear it. I asked him above the noise if he liked yogurt. He looked at me funny and said yes. So I told him if he didn’t turn the music and heat down he would be wearing the yogurt I had had that morning. He quickly complied.

During my stay at GP hospital, I had also complained about pain in my wrist over and over again. That surgeon finally agreed to an MRI, I think to just shut me up. They found something wrong, I was promised a referral to a specialist in Edmonton. A year later no phone call. I called the surgeons clinic, I was told by one of the women that worked there, that I would get the call and not to worry. I told her it has been a year. The next day I got a call from the specialist in Edmonton.

I made the 12-hour drive there and back in my old van, tried to park near the hospital. I had to park a few blocks away. I was still experiencing extreme back pain, so walking was difficult. When I arrived in that waiting room along with many other patients, I think I waited a little longer than some.  When I finally saw the doctor it was all in vain, nothing would be done, he had an intern inject my arm with cortisone, only he hit my bone. Then I thought it was an accident now I think it was staged.

During my visit, I had mentioned that I had problems with my hands going numb, which still happens to this day, he had said that there was probably spinal damage in my neck. He had promised a referral to a spinal clinic. A year later you guessed it, no referral, the very same tactic used by the surgeon in GP. Coincidence I  doubt it. I called his clinic and was told the same line, not to worry I would get a call. I said the same thing I said before it has been a year.

A few days later I was told I would need a new x-ray done of my spine before they could proceed because too much time had passed. So I go to Fairview hospital trying to get an x-ray of my spine. I am refused and told I need to have a family doctor. Only all the doctors had refused to take me on as a patient. No X-ray no spinal clinic. More Coincidence I don’t think so.

During the next few years, many tests were promised by doctors then never ordered. On a recent visit to Peace River hospital I was refused a $2 dollar blood test while I was in the middle of having a TIA. I was given a sobriety test instead, an insult considering I recently celebrated being clean and sober 38 years.  A comment was made when I was asked to do the sobriety test. That I should be used to that. Only thing is I have never had sobriety test. I was slurring my words and having difficulty speaking that day. That same doctor gave me a lecture about me reading too much medical stuff on the internet, even after I mentioned the site I was reading was the Mayo Clinic website. All during this, he was displaying a big smirk and laughing. 

Did I mention that morning before going to the smirking doctor in Peace River, I stopped by the Fairview hospital first, when I found out the same doctor was on from before the one that lied about ordering tests was working? I was having difficulty with speaking even then. I decided to go to Peace River instead.  I had a hard time communicating, I was in the middle of an event, my best guess a blood clot in my brain. Clotting is a symptom of the disease I think I have. I mentioned that to the once-friendly woman at the front desk now turned extremely nasty. It seems she had been turned by the nurses there as well. I have to imagine that the doctor in the ER in Peace River was given a call and was pretold of my visit It would explain the way I was treated there. I saw the same thing happen at Fairview hospital 5 other times with different people at the counter. Friendly at first nasty a few minutes later.

On another visit after I  had cut a finger to the bone on my table saw,  I wasn’t even given stitches barely even an appearance by the doctor. I still have no feeling in that fingertip. I ended up using super glue when I got home.

Back In January 2015 while I was in the hospital in Spirit River, I asked my doctor for an HIV test he refused me saying that was too expensive.  I explained that I had only been with one woman since my divorce in 2011, And I found out she was also a cheater so I was concerned.

On every visit to him I asked about my back injury, he did nothing.  On every visit, he was hostile. When I applied for AISH that same doctor falsified documents told them I wasn’t even hurt. I had to fight with him to try to get a permanent disability parking permit. Which I never got.  Even though I am way past permanently disabled he gave me a temporary permit and the date was wrong. He had argued that he was worried about his reputation. Maybe he should look at his rating on the internet. It wasn’t good.

Later I would obtain a report through the freedom of information act, a document that was from a ct scan that said my spinal injury was getting worse. and an MRI was needed. That doctor had that report when he told AISH I was not injured. Where is that Doctor now? Being treated for cancer, Medical staff certainly do have priority over other patients. He retired in June 2020, the world is a better place.

That doctor had lied to the government. I would be denied disability for seven months more until I had convinced a resident to get me the MRI based on the diagnostic report. I had to use that report again to see the surgeon He wasn’t going to budge either, then I asked him why wasn’t my compressed vertebrae repaired back then, I had learned that there was a repair that could have been done he had no answer.

Then I told him that I had had an MRI done recently that he should look it up. Suddenly he changed his tune and said he would contact AISH that day. He told them that I had a cascading degenerative defect in my spine. Another lie.    I would start receiving a disability after that. My spine was permanently damaged because it was neglected when I was in GP hospital in 2014.

It works like this, day before the accident I could chop wood with no pain, after the accident a lot of pain. 5 years later still a lot of pain.

During that time I had a real nasty REV CAN collector got an order to seize my disability from my car insurance company. That, by the way, is illegal. I had to go on welfare, welfare told me that the money rev can was taking was income, and they sent me a monthly cheque for two hundred dollars. Even after I told them that rev can never received anything. The same REV CAN or CRA that froze my business accounts for four years, while give themselves bonuses and talking about forgiving a million-dollar debt because it wasn’t collectable. Come on.

I called a friendly AISH (assisted income for the severely handicapped) worker and told her what had happened. She made a call to the ministry and that afternoon the asshole at the welfare office sent a cheque out with back pay. He had told me over the phone he had misunderstood what I had said. He really didn’t but was covering his ass. Let him try to live on two hundred a month.

There are many more incidents that happened since that bad car accident on Dec 3, 2014.  Doctors and nurses are playing God with people’s lives.

I have been refused MRI, blood tests, a sleep apnea test after I was told I had sleep apnea and asked I wanted the test. I need an xray of my knee to get a knee replacement something that should have been done ten years ago. I was told by the surgeon (a good one) In BC that worked on that knee for 12 hours straight, that the knee would need to be replaced.

I found a surgeon willing to do the replacement but he told me I needed an up to date x-ray, and yup you guessed it was refused. To this day it still needs doing.

This summer I went to GP hospital, the triage nurse talked about how wonderful a certain surgeon was, I mentioned that my experience with him. wasn’t so wonderful, seconds later the BP cuff on my arm tightened so much my arm turned red and was extremely painful from the blood supply being cut off. When I tried to remove it she swatted my arm away. When I got to the admin desk, the two girls there, asked me why I didn’t go to my local hospital, I told them I couldn’t get a doctor there to agree to be my family doctor, they both laughed, and then she said I wonder why? And there it was again the tell tale smirk.

I waited for a doctor for two hours in the waiting room, everyone was being called in except me, even people arriving much later. I was having a TIA then too. How do I know? I had one before while I was shopping in IKEA, I spent 12 hours there while an older doctor was telling me I had had a heart attack My three young children were kept in the waiting room. I finally got fed up and left there the incident had nothing to do with my heart, that was confirmed the next day by the doctor in Fairview, He said I had had a TIA, which I already knew. That is what the internet is for I got into the elevator at the hospital on way in. I couldn’t operate the controls, It took me twenty minutes to get to the emergency room. When I realized the nasty nurse was going to keep me waiting forever I left. The drive home was difficult but I made it back.

Looking back I  should have kept my mouth shut, but the praises she had for him were not warranted. I have had 5 years of extreme back pain because of him. Not to mention the problems I have had with my throat after his bad ACDF surgery.

So what is happening now? I may have Mesothelioma from asbestos inhalation during my years in the Canadian Navy. I was involved in a month of grinding asbestos, no masks were given. You don’t question instructions given in the military.

And you guessed it I can’t get help, no diagnostics, no oncology not even blood tests to prove what I have.  At the same time, I am having a hard time walking or eating, my joints are so sore I can hardly lift a coffee. My abdomen is swollen and I can only eat very small meals. I gotta pee twice an hour and I am dizzy all the time, breathing is difficult there is a problem with my diaphragm, probably the swollen belly would be a hint.

I am seeing a new doctor I hope they haven’t got to her, but I don’t hold my hopes up. In the following posts, I will try to tell the story, I just have to try to hang on until then. If I have what I think I have it is already too late. I will die. Btw she told me I had a crackle in my lungs and that there was a problem in my CBC. She booked me for a barium swallow and that has been delayed until April. That is due to weather.

Most likely since I live alone it may take months for anyone to find me. My cats will probably have to eat me to survive if they don’t freeze to death. in the meantime I have to push a wheelbarrow through 8 inches of fresh snow and chainsaw some logs, after a push through the snow again with a heavy load, they will need to be split and then through the snow one more time and into the fireroom. My chest and stomach already hurt just thinking about it. I just have to do all this without falling like I did the other day, I fractured a bone or spur in my elbow. It only hurts when I lean on it or straighten my arm out. What can I do about it right now, nothing the good doctor is away for two weeks and I am currently snowed in. Read about that and my service in the Canadian Military here.

Am I worried that I might be sued, nope I welcome it? Then all this would come out in the press. That may happen anyway. Thank God I kept a journal of all this. Of course, I left it with someone that will publish it, If I suddenly die. Am I being paranoid?  After all, I have been through I don’t’ think so. I will bet either will the public.

So what are the problems, I have been asking about a sore throat on almost every visit for years, once an intern actually looked down there and said yup its red.

I have had two instances that were either TIA from clotting or bouts of hypoxemia on both of those I visited hospitals, with health care not only refused but attempts made to humiliate me. I have had chest pains, heart pain, now the latest thing I am am having a hard time inhaling, that has to happen suddenly and violently my abdomen is swollen I suspect fluid build-up is crowding my diaphragm, and making me pee urgently sometimes twice an hour. My joints are so sore even putting on a coat is extremely painful, constant dizziness. The wrist I tried to get a specialist to fix is failing. My spine injury pain is worse and the numbness in my hands continues. I am having a hard time with balance when I  walk, I have fallen four times now, fractured an elbow, broke a couple of toes, cut up my shin pretty bad, and had a cup of scalding hot coffee thrown in my face as I  fell. Sitting no problem, driving no problem, walking and laying down big problem.

Why am I concerned about mesothelioma? As I mentioned  While I served in the Canadian Navy I was exposed to asbestos, I read about other sailors on the CBC website that contracted cancer (Mesothelioma always fatal 10 to 50-year latency) from that just working on the ships, it was worse for me, for a month I was grinding the asbestos out of the belly of the ship while it was being rebuilt. Like I said We were not given masks for this. That was forty years ago.

I was flatly refused blood tests that might confirm that. I was told I would have to go to Edmonton, I couldn’t even get a referral to an oncologist from that doctor, the Peace River doctor smirked, ya that was one that gave me a sobriety test. We already know how that works I wait a year and nothing happens, except this disease kills within one year.

I can’t walk unaided with great difficulty. If there is a shopping cart or wheelbarrow close by that helps.

All this is getting worse, I am running at about forty percent capacity maybe less. If it continues to get worse I won’t survive long enough to get to a barium swallow for my throat on Jan 16. Now delayed till April 18. Again delayed by the hospital I was told I was not a priority during COVID.


I just read an article about A first nations woman who was treated almost exactly the same way I was by ER Doctors could all this be racially motivated? It could be I had an extreme problem during a motorcycle trip in Whitehorse. I was mistaken for first nations.

I was born in Brasil, came to Canada when I was a year old. When I was ten I helped my mother get her citizenship and I was given citizenship in July of 1967. I served in the Canadian Military, Navy. I am considered Pardo in Brasil, of negro, indigenous and European descent.