“Hearing voices no one else can hear isn’t a good sign, even in the wizarding world.”

J. K. Rowling

If there was ever a day, I wanted to shirk my duties and not go out and do my chores it was today. Never mind the pain in my knees, my ankle, my wrist, back, elbows, shoulders, gut and neck. It was my mind I had to do battle with today.

My mind said don’t go out there, you have enough wood, you are in too much pain, you don’t want to go out and chainsaw wood, if you do you will have to split it and bring it in. You don’t want to do that, you are too tired, too old, too hurt.

Fuck that. It is cold outside, -14 now -22 by tonight , without wood it gets cold inside. So I go out desperately short of breath with a chain that needed sharpening, and I cut, then I cut more, and more again, I cut logs so big I am not sure I will be able to lift them in the wheelbarrow, if I do it will be one at a time. I kept cutting to the verge of collapse, why? I think to spite and quiet the stupid voices.

No, I am not schizo, I mean the voices that say you can’t when you still can. I needed to cut wood, I didn’t want to be cutting on Christmas day, so I cut enough for a few days. Then before I left the scene with my wheelbarrow full of wood, chainsaw, and my 62 year old saggy, broken and dragging ass, (hahaha try to forget that image) I stacked the extra wood left on the ground.

They say you can tell how good a man is by how soon he stacks his wood after cutting. My second stack was a little sloppy, I was huffing and puffing to get air. So I guess I am not a great man just a good one. Whatever, it is easier to find cut wood stacked after a snowfall.

Enjoy the pics of the hoar frost it was something to see, it was 2 inches deep. The outside was all white, including the ice fog. Like seeing a white cow eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard, white and more white.

Wood is inside and split. I just got to use my camp stove toaster to make some fresh rye bread toast on the woodstove, awesome. Although it was not toasted enough coz I couldn’t wait I was hungry after doing wood.

It is dark outside now, I managed to get everything done including collecting snow for the water filtering system I didn’t manage to get my wind generator up, I was hoping to get that done too, but it just wasn’t possible today.

Did I regret not listening to the nagging voices telling me not to get wood?  Hell No, like always it needed doing. Am I sore? Hell Yes, all over, but I am warm.

Take care and be safe. Have a Merry Christmas.