“Like walking in the rain and the snow
When there’s nowhere to go
And you’re feelin’ like a part of you is dying”

10cc The things we do for love.


Blizzard Today

So why would anybody push a wheelbarrow through a foot of snow, fill it full of heavy logs and push it back again?
The things you do for love. Love of staying warm, love for the cats.

The real reason is more snow coming much more. Waste of fuel to fire up the snowblower, just to do the same driveway again in a few days. I didn’t have enough wood inside ready to split to cover the next couple of days. And the other reason oh yeah, needs doing.

I watch the weather carefully, this snowstorm was only supposed to bring 3cm  not 30. With another 20cm to 35cm coming tomorrow. I guess the weatherman’s dart throw was off on the weather dartboard. On two different weather services.

My weather log was correct though there was snow on it, that means its snowing. When it’s wet it’s raining you get the drift. I got the snowdrifts.

My logs are inside, later if the blowing stops, I will fire up the generator and split the logs. And then push the split load through the deep snow and into the house. Heart pumping so hard it will want to leave my chest again. Cardio, yup done that.


Blocks are inside ready to split