I make it a rule never to smoke while I’m sleeping.

Mark Twain

I woke up to feed the fire and the cats. It is 7 am. -26c outside and yup need to go out with the chainsaw later, then collect what I cut, transport to the splitter, split and then bring it inside. I am all excited about that, no I am not, but it needs doing. The cold wave is predicted to last a week. So you know they never do, like an unwanted guest, the cold always outstays its welcome.

I am trying to type this on the tablet again.  I am learning new highs and lows in frustration. I got excited for a second when I discovered voice typing the only problem doesn’t work with WordPress. I couldn’t believe how stupid the tablet really is. It removed my words and replaced them with its own.

Words that didn’t even make sense appeared and my own words disappeared it was like having a two-year-old do my typing for me. That’s insane, who is in charge of quality control? Fire him or her and send them to rehab.

I am back on my laptop running Ubuntu. I hope someone comes up with a way to replace Android with Linux. It is useless except for watching movies, and it does not do that well either.

Now resting on my couch using my phone. I will correct spelling later.

I just got in from chainsawing. I was in between big logs where the wind couldn’t keep the chainsaw exhaust away from my face.

I knew I was getting gassed in a bad way, so I quit sooner than I normally would, the other problem was I decided to wear my full face Bella Clava. It was choking me.

I managed to get wood loaded in the wheelbarrow and into the shop. As you see I had to collapse on the ground and rest as I have had to do many times in cold weather.

The fun job remained. I had to climb onto a sheet metal roof covered in deep snow so I could check out the chimney for a blockage. My house was filling full of smoke. When the stove was opened or even turned up. It was a bad situation.

In these temps, I needed it to turn up or it would get cold.

As I stepped onto the first roof I slid, almost off the roof and ten feet down to the ground. I needed to keep going.

When I climbed onto the second roof I slid 20 feet right down to the chimney support. I grabbed that and managed to get myself upright.

I checked the chimney it was clean. Maybe because I turned it up as high as I could before going outside.

A small chimney fire could have burned through the blockage. I had hoped that was what happened.

Now I had to go up the slippery metal roof to get off there. I had a claw hammer with me. I carefully hooked the tiny sheet metal bolts and gingerly pulled my self up 6 inches at a time.

One of these years I hoped to be smart enough to bolt an old ladder up there permanently but I doubt I will remember until the next time I was sliding down the roof.

I am going to wait for the warmest moment outside to start the gen. It does not like anything minus 18 and below.

Beard is frozen solid

I went back out to gather snow for water, fed my winter birds their sunflower seeds, and got the generator started. Next was splitting the little wood I had cut. I will be back there tomorrow cutting again.

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Mission Accomplished