“May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live.”

Robert A. Heinlein

It’s been one year and one day since I started writing this blog. I got my morning wood done. Snow is coming down.

One weather service says 10 cm another says 4cm. Whatever comes down, I have enough wood to last me a couple of days. So I am good. That should keep me warm until the 40 below arrives.

That doesn’t include wind chill which could be -50. Here we go again, another polar vortex and Alberta becomes the coldest place on earth, just like last year.

Chainsawing against the cold harsh wind.Oh well needs doing.

I don’t feel much like writing today, so I won’t. But I will try to include my music and quote anyways I hope you are safe and warm.


grey day another snowstorm coming down now

I just finished sweeping all the rooms in the heated part of the house. For me it is a really big job for some bio-mechanical reason my back does not tolerate sweeping. It causes more pain than doing wood. I can rest now got lots of wood the critters are fed, shit forgot to water the plants. Gotta go.