“I came from Canada, where it’s freezing cold for seven months out of the year.”

Rachelle Lefevre

I live in Canada, and we have eight months of winter here in Northern Alberta. Today I woke up to 10 degrees inside the house and -42c outside with windchill.

I just went out to sweep the snow off the solar panels. Just wearing my snow boots sweatpants hoodie and a bathrobe. The sweat pants are 100 percent cotton. I love cotton but so do the moths that are in my house. I have a hole in the leg, about mid-thigh.

This morning the cold hitting bare skin through the small hole,  felt like a screwdriver rammed into my leg, I swept quickly and got back inside.

Looking at the mountain of firewood already split from yesterday I may take a day off from wood duty.

I think the driveway can wait too, Monday is the date they say it will warm up. The snow blowing can wait. Wood can wait a day but I will have to do that by tomorrow.

The jays and chickadees couldn’t wait they needed seed so another trip outdoors was needed and again I moved quickly and efficiently, I put a yogurt tub full of seeds in the feeder I had made from an old Costco water bottle. They don’t mind how it looks, but are happy that is snow proof even in the worst of blizzards. I have to ration their food a little. It had to last until Monday.

UPDATE: 9:30 p.m. -49c outside and dropping, the brass monkeys have lost theirs.