“Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil”.

Marcus Aurelius

Thick ice fog. No trip to the doctor. I texted a friend about that. I mentioned that God did not want me to go to the doc.

The reply had more to do with Satan than God.

Considering the last seven years, I am inclined to agree. I have seen more evil than any one man should see in any lifetime.

I am not really religious. I don’t believe in churches or religion. I do have a strong belief in God. Which can be spelled Good.

With that comes the opposite, the Devil or evil.

What I find interesting is why evil is spending so much time attacking me. I guess that makes me worth something.

The other side of the coin is why is God allowing all this.

Are we nothing more than toy pieces on a planetary chessboard?

It makes me wonder what is the purpose of all this. The best explanations I have heard so far:

We don’t know God’s purpose.

God is out playing golf. Either one seems to be ridiculous. Although I admit I like the second one best, and I am no golfer.

I don’t know what the answer is. I will contemplate that while I am eating my dehydrated scrambled eggs and bacon. Later I will have my coffee with powdered milk and pet some cats.

Then it’s time to do what I have done before, try to do what needs doing. For me in the winter is to prepare wood for the fire.

Take care and be safe.