If you wondered why my posts have become so generic. It is because I am not sure how to handle my current situation.

My health is declining, and I am not able to find a doctor willing to help.

I made a trip to town today. I thought  I better get some cat food in case the snowstorm comes early. I even had time to grab a bison burger for lunch.

When I got home I suited up, gassed up the chainsaw and went out to the ever-shrinking log pile. A couple of pulls on the starter rope and nothing. The starting mechanism wasn’t making contact with the engine. I had a small panic the saw hasn’t let me down in the 15 years I have had it.

I had no idea how to fix it. I did know the problem was inside the starter rope cover. So I started removing the screws. Under there was a lot of congealed sawdust and bar oil.

I removed as much as I could checked for broken parts. I couldn’t find any damage. So I reassembled. A couple of test pulls and still nothing. I gave it a couple of sharp hard pulls, that did the trick.

Soon I was out there sawing logs. I filled the old wheelbarrow with logs and made the trip down the driveway.

Got the gen filled with gas, started and then made firewood.

Once again filled the water bowls with fresh snow. With all that inside. I went to Skyrim once more. It was a welcome escape.

All was good melted snow now inside the stage one filter bucket. I checked on that a couple of hours later. It was all over the floor. One of the cats had moved the exit pipe so it wasn’t pouring into a container. Instead, it was pouring all over the floor.

I have a saying “some days you win and some days you are me” sounds a little schizo looking at the words through blurry eyes at 2 AM.

I will deal with that tomorrow. It is late after a little online TV I will try to sleep again. I woke because the pain in my throat was too intense.

For the first time, I was a little worried. Then I started to have heart pain. Then it all seemed too ridiculous.

I thought I better feed the cats and I made myself a coffee while I am typing this.

Low battery low energy I gotta go. Take care and be safe. I hope you are having a better day than me.