“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”

Benjamin Franklin

What a day I had yesterday.  Talk about that later. One weather service says big snowstorm tonight, the other says a small one. Either way, I was down to four pieces of firewood.

I spent some time sharpening and cleaning the chainsaw. Inside the chain cover was a solid block of ice and sawdust with a little oil mixed in. It was so solid I couldn’t move the chain.

Once that was cleaned and the chain back on, I went on to sharpen the chain. You know what comes next, suit up earplugs safety goggles with some added hearing protection on top.

A few pulls on the starter rope and once more I was cutting through a large log to make blocks.

I knew I had to cut twice as much, so I did that. It was far past what my body could do. I had to keep going no choice. I wanted to record what I cut. I went in to grab a camera.

Yesterday I knocked my phone off the table. My waterproof Samsung, the one I use for most of my pictures.

It fell into the cats’ water dish and was in there for a while. When I pulled it apart, water came out. I have had that phone for five years, it occasionally glitched but never really let me down, till now.

Today I used my tablet as a camera, it was awkward but doable. I got my snow proof waterproof cover a few days ago so it was safe to take outside.

I kept working until most of the logs were inside. I do have to admit the last steps were hard, every part of my body hurt and my chest was pounding.
I looked like that man that walked across the desert with no water for days. Stumbling and trying difficult as it was put one foot in front of the other, till the wood was inside.

And again kept going till the wood was unloaded and stacked by the splitter.

I collapsed on the couch with my tablet, so I could type these words.

I still have to go back there to split some. Maybe even grab the rest of the woodblocks I cut today. Oh and there is starting and gassing up the gen.

I am not sure I want to talk about yesterday I had another bad incident with a doctor. It involved two hours of driving and another hour of sitting just to get refused.

The bad thing was I overheard everything the doctor said about me to the nurse. What a nasty bunch of people. Doctors and nurses.

And to top it all off when I got home it was dark and smashed a taillight on Gracie. I wouldn’t be travelling until I got a replacement for that.

Well, I  am as rested as I  can be, it’s time to split wood, and then bring it in.
That’s it I brought in one and a half loads, fed the birds, fed the cats, and gathered snow.

Now I am tuckered out.