“A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.”

Benjamin Franklin

Woke up with night sweats. Eventually, I got back to sleep. When I  woke it was daylight. I crawled out of bed, something that takes half a minute these days. I did my tour cat dishes were all empty, water and food. I was short on snow water, I didn’t go out for that yesterday.  So grabbed all the stainless bowls I used for melting, loaded them in the wheelbarrow and added a couple of pails for good measure, then hauled them outside.

I know pretty boring stuff, but my blog title is ramble on and that is what I  plan to do.

Next put on the outdoor clothes and boots, decide how I want to boil my water for coffee and for my dehydrated breakfast. So handy, open remove the little oxygen absorber packet, add hot water into the bag, wait a few minutes and eat. No dishes to wash, no pots to scrub, and they taste better than my cooking, what’s not to love. Today is scrambled eggs and bacon.

I decided to use my camp stove to heat the water, bad choice a yellow puddle on top. They were angry with me for letting their water bowls get empty. So fill the kettle put it on the woodstove.

Now outdoors I am filling bowls and buckets and pots with snow. I stop long enough to take a few pics with my tablet. I need to find a way to carry it better. My cellphone is dying, it spent the night in a full cats bowl of water, even though waterproof it didn’t do well. I managed one call. Now the battery won’t take a charge.

So I will find a way to continue pictures with the tablet. It kind of like using a monitor to take pictures.not all like the days I was a professional photographer using 35 MMS and bigger cameras back in the day.

I managed to get the snow inside on the woodstove, fed all the cats watered most of them, boiled water for coffee and breakfast, I am ready to eat now. I even retrieved the rest of the cut wood from the log pile and brought that in.

All that is left is split and I will continue to close every gap the cats are using to gain access to the kitchen. I already pulled a couple of sheets of Osb. One day I  will win that battle.

To add to my fun I am typing this on my tab. All going good so far but I know what pain it is going to be to grab an embed from youtube. I already know that I will end up using my laptop for that.

As for the cats, the battle goes on.

Just finished wood for the day had a look at the toe from yesterday,  the whole thing is purple. I don’t think it’s broken, but I will keep an eye on it.