“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.”

Mark Twain

It is 6:30 am. I looked across the field outside. It looked like ice fog until I looked at the solar panels, then I took a look at the ground and started to laugh out loud. Hard

The path I just cleaned out with the snowblower a few days ago was covered in a fresh blanket of deep snow. Again the weather services had missed it. Environment Canada sent out a warning saying there was a snow squall coming. A short one with 2 inches of snow to fall. The warning is gone from the internet but the snow continues.

The fog was actually heavy snowfall still happening. It is still dark out, but at first glance, it looks like another 6 or more inches have fallen again, and it shows no sign of stopping. When it gets light outside I will have a better idea.

I am still laughing but happy I  brought wood inside last night. I am off to look at the weather websites, curious to see if they are reporting the snowfall.

They are not, one reports a flurry or two, the other one reports a half-inch to fall. More proof they use a weather dartboard and the rest of the meteorologists were killed by zombies.

I went outside wasn’t as bad I thought only about 4 inches.

I am finished doing my work for the day. I did a little extra wood because one of the weather services says will get 4 more inches of snow. The extra work comes with a price. I am paying that now. My body is in pain, So many places at once. I don’t like painkillers, I do take aspirin now and then, rarely I will take a Tylenol.

As for the work, always I just do what needs doing. There is only me.