I started this post with the idea of listing my symptoms, but I am not going to do that. I am sick probably dying, none of that matters. I am being denied health care in a country that health care is free. In a country where the health care providers are trusted. In a country, I once defended and was willing to give up my life.

The sad thing is this happening all over, I don’t deny that there are good doctors and nurses out there. I seem to have attracted some of the worst.

In an article I read recently suggested that the third leading cause of death is doctors’ mistakes, my question is how many were not mistakes. How many of those were malicious.

How many nurses with mental problems are actually hurting patients?

Since so many get away without punishment, it is hard to tell. It is a big enough problem that lawmakers in California are trying to change the laws so that more, malicious nurses are prosecuted.

Right now an investigation takes over two years and during that time the investigated nurses keep continuing their misdeeds. Many just move to another location and avoid prosecution.