“I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.”

Noam Chomsky

As normal the extreme cold warning has been extended. Just a few hours so far. But like I have said many times before in this blog.

The cold always outstays its welcome. I slept through fire load. It means the fire is out just a few coals left. Enough to start the fire again. That is a process that always takes longer than you want.

The house is cold, I am sitting in front of the woodstove on my milk crate stool. Waiting for more of the familiar crackles, the sound of the fire coming to life again.

I wait patiently for the water to boil and to feel the warmth on my back. I let the little kittens into the fire room. Moving up over and around the pile of the firewood at turbo speed. Even one long-haired fluffy little ball of white fur with legs that thinks running up my back claws extended is a sign of affection. Time for kitten etiquette 101.

The older male cats that live in the fire room in the winter calmly look on and pretend that they were never like that when they were little.

I just had to shift positions one side of my back is warm. The fire has started. Soon coffee then I start my day.

Wood is already on my list. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm, that means cleaning the driveway again and going to town. Running low on supplies.

I have to soon, I am typing this on the cheap Chinese tablet I got for free because they lied on their Amazon page when I bought it. It was made in 2008 won’t even play YouTube. But it does allow me to type this while I warm up.

I hate to say I told you so, but I did. The extreme cold warning has been extended again.

Got wood done at least what I already had cut. I don’t feel well enough to chainsaw more today.

Tomorrow is get the van started and get to the village to pickup mail. Maybe even go a little further and go to town. The bad thing is I will have to chainsaw either way.