Sunny and warmer outside  This morning the cats gave me a rude reminder that I needed to finish the roof over my desk. There was a screen mesh there to keep bad cats out until I finished the reno.

The whole reason I started doing it was to keep cats from getting pee through the pine boards I used to have up there. Pee goes right through screens, and did this morning. It is how I woke up, to the sound of cat urine hitting the floor. How wude.

I am working on the job but it is very slow going, my shoulder and wrist pain are bad today, balance not great either. Going up and down the ladder is careful work.

So far I managed to gather tools, get the ladder and remove the screen. I cut and fitted one board and fatigue set in. I have to rest. I have only worked for twenty minutes.

I can’t stop very long, I have already had one of the bad cats dive through the opening.

This is going to be a long day. The days of working carpentry 12 hours straight through are gone. The highlights, I still need to cut wood and split.  I  am tempted to down the five-hour energy drink beside my desk.

I have no idea what that will do to me in my current condition.

Another 20 minutes another board up. Another rest break knees gave out.

After an afternoon nap, I finished getting the first layer of boards up and rough cut. I have removed most of the bad cats from my office, 3 holdouts left. The causalities, pee on my office chair and a puddle under my desk.

Not so bad considering. Tomorrow I  will find a way to make the new roof liquid proof. Headaches are back and my spine is out of line, the left knee is bad after up and down the ladder 50 times. It is dark now, so I  have stopped working.  Now that I am sitting dizziness has set in. Getting to become routine.

It is 4:58 AM I have bad pain in my abdomen on my left side. I am sure it is all related, somehow the pain in my shoulder muscles that feels like someone punched me and all the other symptoms. I didn’t want to forget my swollen abdomen.  Gotta go out of battery power.