I can’t really make fun of zombies. They’re not liars. They’re not cheats.

George A. Romero

4:27 AM

Just stumbled out of bed looking very much like one of the TWD. I could barely navigate the thirty steps to check the fire. I had a very hard night. It seems to be a problem to have a heavy meal.

The fire was smouldering, the house was cold. Not too cold last checked the temp outside wasn’t bad. Tonight was going to be bad.

Another weather front will push through here today bringing snow, wind and cold.

Just south of here, an hour or so, the snow maybe ten inches deep by tomorrow morning. We are supposed to be spared that. We will see.

The weather services seem to be having a hard time predicting the weather this winter.

In other observations: I have noticed that major online retailers are running out of emergency food kits. Others have jacked the prices up and are gouging with extremely high prices.

Everybody is panicked by the oncoming covid-19 pandemic. Maybe this is the start of the apocalypse. At least there are no zombies. Too bad I am trained for that.


The song remains the same. Why go out in a blizzard to chainsaw wood. The answer Alex : needs doing.

After a rest I will need to split, gather snow for melt and then bring it all inside. Did I  mention I  am very ill today? Doesn’t  matter no wood no heat, no snow no water, no water no coffee or drink.

Worry about pain and sick later.

It all got done. It is 3PM now. I am going kill bad kidnappers now for awhile. Btw we have already exceeded the 3cm of snow predicted and now it is coming down in earnest.