“It’s difficult to believe that people are still starving in this country because food isn’t available.”

Ronald Reagan

Accuweather was correct over 10 cm of snow fell. The weathernetwork said 1.

I was out in my bathrobe and snow boots taking these pics. It felt warm, so I  did push the snow shovel along the path to the woodpile. I would need to get back there before the weekend. Another cold wave predicted for then. I would need to cut more wood.

Today I needed to split yesterday’s cut.

I am concerned about food, I did my normal Amazon order, shipping times have changed from a week to two months. I am sure it is due to the coronavirus scare. A great way for some to make money. For me, it means I  will have to source more expensive food locally.  I could last a couple of weeks on beans and pasta. If I rationed.

On the upside, I got to some woodwork sort of. I broke my Canadian tire on sale $7.99 corn broom for the third time. It is drenched in wood glue and wearing a few clamps. I may have to buy another. I am not a fan of replacing anything that can be fixed. Just take a look at Gracie, my 1992 GMC Safari van, she is rusty but mostly trusty.

I have to pour a little gas down her throat to get her started, she is a little loud and the rear brakes are squeaking. One taillight is duct-taped in place. I have most of those parts. Just waiting for warmer weather and better health then I will get back to work on her.

Wood is split, snow for melt gathered, now huffing and puffin. Time for another break. My body is hurting worse today I am guessing it is the extra humidity in the air.