“Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.”

Carl Jung

Feeling slightly better. My day is planned, lots to get accomplished. The feel like is -25c actual is -18. I need to go out and chainsaw that is a given. Before that, I  need to empty the wheelbarrow, sharpen the chainsaw, add gas and bar oil.

After that it is same old, cut, transport wood, fill the gen, start the gen, transport split wood inside. Then I  can get to the inside stuff, the kitchen still a Walmart grenade explosion, my office needs cleaning and a nightmare on the stairs. I have a cat pooping there.

I need to design something that deters them from that behaviour. A ramp might do the trick. Hard to poop on a slope. The sad thing, I  know it is not the new kittens doing this. They love the litter box. The size of the poops also is evidence of a large cat.

Maybe what is needed is another door that would make their space smaller and darker. It might be the answer. Just one more thing I  need to build to contain the cats. One day I  hope to have a separate heated space for the cats with a double outdoor enclosure,  one for boys one for girls.

That is all dependent on my health.

I got some inside work done, got my saw ready and went out to cut blocks. I have those inside ready to split. That tired me out more than it should have. Had to take a rest in the snow after cutting. On the way back to the garage something gave out in my right elbow, had no choice had to keep going. The cold doesn’t accept excuses.

Taking a break in a snowstorm

I managed to get the wood split and inside the fire room. I also gathered snow for melt. I am done it is 5:18 PM.

Exhausted and feeling more than a bit of pain. All that is left is to bring in the gen, right now it’s charging the solar batteries. It was needed, the snow is coming down heavy and there is not much solar today. While it’s running I might play on the Xbox for a bit.

I deserve it worked hard didn’t do the stairs but will do that awful job tomorrow.

Take care and be safe