“Man was made at the end of the week’s work, when God was tired.”

Mark Twain


I know I am getting old, practically a fossil,  not Patrick Stewart old but getting there. There are things starting to horrify me. Reality shows are outnumbering other shows. The hottest trends are checkered deck shoes, skinny Jeans on men. In winter?  Don’t even get me started on man buns, why is that cool?

It wasn’t  cool on women, why could that ever be cool now? On men. My world was simple growing up fast cars, Jean’s, leather jackets, long hair rock n roll and boots. The police couldn’t  stop us. The only bad things were the drugs. Most of which are legal now.

We had our share of wars and hate, but it was back then we started to publically voice our opinions. Back then I  served my country in the Canadian Navy.

I was born at the beginning of the space age, that spawned the information age. I was part of that. I helped the Internet come to Canada. I was one of the first Internet providers and for awhile one of the largest. I did lots of great things back then.

Now I  have become a recluse rescuing cats. Like many old men I  met along the way I  don’t like what the world has become, and I  doubt if we will survive. But maybe just maybe we will.

I did what needs doing chainsaw, split,  transport, generate and then brought in the gen. Fatigued more than most days.  Resting now.