“Glory days well they’ll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl’s eye
Glory days, glory days”

Song below

Cold is coming again. Minus 30c by Friday night. Yes I went out and chainsawed wood, reluctantly. I had a bad night, I felt pain in places I didn’t expect, in my bones. At the time I said out loud “that can’t be good”

Yes I gathered snow to melt and filter for drinking and coffee.
I just did the stupid thing that I do.  I didn’t mean to do it, I didn’t want to do it, but I did. I could have ignored it, I could have walked right by, but I didn’t.  I emptied the wheelbarrow and filled the log hoop. The problem is now I needed to fill it again. The wood that was left outside needed to be split, which means the generator needed filling and starting.

I just added two more hours of work, my body barely survived the chainsawing earlier. One thing was clear I wouldn’t get to my inside chores, no clean kitchen, no getting the wind generator up and a hundred other smaller tasks. I would be too fatigued and too hurt to move after getting wood brought in, split, loaded again and brought in to the fire room.

Yup I might have split enough for the Coronapocalyspe. Well enough till Saturday morning. Then I get to do that again in -30.

It does feel good to get that done. In my mind not my bod. That is a whole other discussion. I have a pizza on the go as my reward. My poor tired out gen is struggling to get the pizza oven heated up. It has had its glory days too.


Take care and be safe.