“My favorite way of getting out of doing chores is by acting like I’m asleep. But it never works.”

Devon Werkheiser

Chores have no respect, no empathy, and don’t hear excuses. They just quietly remind you that they need doing. When that doesn’t work they enlist the help of the voices. You know what I am saying, even if you don’t discuss it or even admit it. They are there.

Where did they come from? Maybe they are echoes of the people entrusted to teach us, parents, churches, schools and the toughest one in my life was my grandmother? She was hardcore old school.

I can still hear her voice the clearest, my father too busy chasing skirts to be a father, my grandfather was dead due to a mistake in the hospital, maybe that is continuing. My mom when she was sober she was working three jobs to keep our poverty level a little higher. When she was drunk she was pure evil and mean.

The voices cry out when I want to shirk my duties, the floor needed sweeping, snowmelt containers needed filling cat boxes needed emptying. The cat litter containers needed filling with wood pellets to fill the empty cat boxes. The wood pellets needed to be brought in to fill the containers, to fill the cat boxes.

Cats needed food and water, birds needed food and water. I needed food and water. the problem with all that. Yesterday I  had a very tough day chest pains heart racing and worse.

Today when I woke it felt like aliens had spent the night beating on my body with hammers. My normal TWD walk out to check on things was very slow and painful, every joint in my body felt like it was on fire. No chest pain today and my heart feels slightly better so that helps.

I did all the chores except feed the birds, I also need to plant my next crop of microgreens mostly sunflower. Writing this is my way of keeping busy while I rest a bit.

Every day presents its own challenges these are the ones of the day. The bad news I am out of blocks and almost out of firewood by the stove. That means chainsaw, and split with all the work between. I might have to do that today as well.