“There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.”


It snowed like I knew it would. It snowed a lot, with the high winds it made tall snowdrifts. I swept the solar panels off to no avail. Freezing rain hit first before the cold front met the warm front. That left a layer of ice under deep snow and now -28 windchill.  I don’t think I will be producing any solar power today.  Last night would have been a great time for the wind generator still sitting on my bench.

I would have to split wood at some time today, so I will have a chance to generate some. Snow is still coming down but the wind is calmer.

Now the fun part, yesterday while on the roof I  took a hard fall, landed vertebrae first on a rib of the sheet metal roof, my back is very sore, somehow my right knee and even my broken toe are involved. I am having a very hard time walking, I am in a lot of pain. Taking my snow survey walk this morning was almost unbearable and had to be cut short. I am excited about already having a load of wood ready to split at the shop door. Maybe grateful.

Not so excited about getting the gen outside and started or even lifting the logs out to split. Then there is shoveling enough snow to get the wood inside. I also needed snow gather for melting. After that no problem. Just collapse on the couch, in huge pain trying to remember why I love the pioneer life. Which I really do.

Snow total for the night my guess would be about 20 cm blown into 50 cm snowdrifts. Another 15 cm to fall during the day and more tomorrow and Monday. At some time the snowblower would have to come out and the chainsaw would need to cut more firewood to be split. I will do what I  always do. Do what needs doing.

When I bend my knee I scream like a horror movie victim, the pain is excruciating. Today will be interesting, bending over to pickup logs for splitting, on my knees in the snow and cold to gather snow. It is certain to be amusing.

For now finally got my first coffee made. I am going to sit back and not think about my day.

I just gathered snow melt. I didn’t  have to go far. I swept the solar panel they were covered in two minutes. After a break I am going to split wood.

I found an old tensor bandage yesterday. I know why today. I have that wrapped just above the knee where it hurts

Now I  am only screaming like a little girl when I flex my wounded knee.

If i just lie here on the couch very still , my back doesn’t hurt, my knee doesn’t hurt, my throat doesn’t hurt, even my wrist doesn’t hurt as long as i am not holding my cell phone. I only have to contend with the dizziness and tinnitus. Who knew silence could be so loud. Too bad I can’t just stay in this position all day. I really can’t.

Log hoop refilled

Wood is split and inside, tensor bandage is off, catfood in 40 pounds worth, wood pellets in 40 pounds worth, first big steel bowl of snow melted and in the stage one filter. Bowl refilled with snow.

Still snowing hard outside. My chores are done almost, and eating I forgot that again. I am going to do that right now.

I just discovered that Opera browser is much better than chrome on my tablet for doing these posts, that will make my life a little easier. And I get to create my own speed dial.  This is cool I can listen to music while I work again. Why didn’t  I  do this sooner.

Get serious Google you are losing ground on Android. You seem more interested in stealing personal data and forcing us to use your apps than taking care of us lowly endusers. No wonder your employees  are ashamed of working there. Who is running your operation Zuckerberg?
