“On the other hand, you have different fingers.”

Steven Wright

My morning coffee reminded me of an old Brian Bosworth movie title. It was stone cold, so was my fire. I loaded it with wood anyways, filled my kettle put it on top having some faith that the fire would relight itself, and I would be having more than brown water for breakfast.

The fire started on its own, thank God for that. Getting a fire started in winter was just one more thing I didn’t have to accomplish. I had enough just getting wood and snow brought inside for melting and filtering.

I went out in the cold, bathrobe, broken broom and snow boots to sweep the solar panels clean from last night’s snow. It had snowed continuously for three days and more was forecast. It is almost April we should be done this.

The snow has not stopped only slowed, I checked on some misbehaving cats an hour later, and took a look outside the solar panels were covered again.

I would still need to go out and get firewood, I had a few blocks left over from yesterdays chainsawing and the path was still clear enough to transport the wood inside. I hoped.

The Only foreseeable problem was the finger I fractured yesterday. I would have to take off the wooden splint I made yesterday with a shard of firewood and some gorilla tape. Ya I love that stuff. I used it to mend my jacket, my chimney when it was smoking, even used it as a way to keep a sliced finger together instead of stitches. No I didn’t receive an endorsement from them. I wish haha. I would take more tape and glue of all sizes if you are reading this. If not thanks for creating the tape.

As for the rest of my body something was attacking the tendons and muscles in my arms and legs, my joints were hurting, vision blurry, tinnitus, headaches and worse. These things are part of my day and every day.

I went out got my blocks, with that breeze the temp was right around really fookin cold. My hands started to freeze in minutes. I decided to bring the gen inside for a couple of hours to warm up before attempting to split.

Ya the big block wasn’t enjoyable with the hurt finger.

I think this is as bright as it will get today.

Gen filled with gas placed outside and started. CHECK

Wood split  CHECK

Wood transported to back door CHECK

Snow gathered brought in placed on wood stove CHECK.

Collapse on couch with cold coffee. Nope, it was ten feet away I would get to that after a rest.

It is snowmageddon outside another 5 inches has fallen in the last hour. On top of the 18 inches we got over the last couple of days.

Digital cameras are not great at capturing snowfalls. Imagine the same picture with a hundred times the snow falling.

Another musician with COVID-19. Praying you pull through Jackson…