“There is no substitute for hard work.”

Thomas A. Edison

It’s still snowing.

No it’s not, look at the date. There is a bright ball in the blue sky. It is very cold. Today is snow blowing day

I just did my walk outside to the end of the driveway. Yes I wore traditional clothes. Jeans, bathrobe, knit hat and gloves.

I swept the solar panels and observed the tons of snow I would have to move today.

Yup that is a full size garbage can

Log pile be seeing you later

OMG exhausted had to take a break. That is the hardest snow to move ever. Except for that ice storm three years ago. I still have at least three more hours out there. When I  couldn’t walk anymore I had to quit. I am resting on the couch gathering the strength to finish the job. Breathing is difficult, and my nose is a little runny, my heart hurts a bit, but I don’t think COVID-19. God I hope not men my age don’t survive that.

The worst is not yet done. This was three hours of work

Frozen I am covered in a layer of ice.

Yet to do 10 feet wide 2 feet deep. Higher than the machine. And I have to push it through it doesn’t have enough traction to get through.

Did that got the sweaty t shirt. 3 more hours out there 6 total. Holy body hurts everywhere especially my back. And now the fun part I am out of firewood and it will be -22 tonight. Yup I needed to clear snow off the logs, chainsaw, transport, split and transport again all before dark in wet clothes yippee!!!!!!

The part at the end, the grader operator will have to get that.


wood is cut and brought In but not split yet. Too tired needed another rest break.