Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.

Maya Angelou

My post today isn’t about love. Not really about virus either. Maybe a little. Ok maybe a lot.

Today I was supposed to drive in for two hours to have an x-ray to see if I had cancer in my throat. I was called by GP hospital a few days ago cancelling due to COVID. I was told I was not a priority.

A little pissed off by the principal but not mad because I don’t have to travel into a city full of infected, only to wait in a hospital with recirculated COVID droplets floating in the air.

The other option was to travel to a smaller town to a hospital to get a prescription for antibiotics to fight the Lymes disease I think I have. Getting a test done is a waste of time because the test has an extremely high rate of false negatives. In simple English, it doesn’t fuckin work.

I have been through the symptoms on every Lyme disease website, I have almost all of them.

The possibility of that drive was also cancelled. The Alberta government is trying to force people receiving disability cheques to move to direct deposit. My cheque still has not arrived. Also complicated by the fact that the senior employee (praying for you)  at the post office may be infected and is in quarantine, leaving one young lady to do the work of two.  She is way behind.

So no cheque no travel. No antibiotics, no banking, no grocery shopping. So instead I chainsawed wood and soon will be splitting. After that I had hoped to make further progress installing and setting up my wind generator. Yesterday I wired my loft with 12 volts which runs done to my battery bank. That was actually exciting to achieve that much.



old picture of me