“Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of.”

Stephen Hawking

I am in my self-quarantine, day who knows what. I sneezed a bit, coughed a bit, already had a sore throat, had a hard time breathing one day, but had those before. Do I have COVID-19? Maybe, is it the Lymes disease, or the possible cancer from the asbestos exposure when I was grinding the stuff during my time serving in the Canadian Navy? Who fuckin’ knows. I do want to make sure that if I am infected, I don’t pass it on.

Although there are people who really deserve it, I am not some virus-infected avenging angel. I did see some of those out there in the world a few days ago. Would the world be better off without those? Again maybe. But if there were no bad people how would we recognize the good ones.

How do I feel? Yesterday afternoon I felt good. Last night, hand to God thought I was dying, I woke up from a nap, bad fever, belly was hurtin, bad headache. It was happening all at once. I stumbled into the kitchen made some water with baking soda, with that grabbed a low dose generic aspirin and downed both. I took off my bathrobe and went into my woodwork shop which was a lot colder than the rest of the house, trying to lower my body temperature. That wasn’t enough, I stuck the upper half of my body out the window. That felt better, I put on some boots and went outside for a walk.

It was -1 outside, me wearing a thin shirt sweat pants and snow boots. In a few minutes the fever was down, my headache was diminishing, and my belly was calming down. I won’t lie that was rough, but the cool thing was that I was able to do the things I needed to do to mitigate the circumstances. Yup gotta stop watching Bull too many big words coming out of my mind.

Later that night I noticed a few things my eyesight was getting fuzzy and I have a drooping eyelid on my left side. Just more things to be concerned about and dismissed since I am not going to leave the house, and not going to drive in for more non-exsistent healthcare.

Today I am back to working on a new desk in the cat free loft where I used to sleep. Just finished a glue-up.

The blankets are up because I can’t handle the glare from the snow, that is melting fast. I am looking forward to green grass again.

I am building the desk from scrap wood from other old projects, since going to town isn’t an option. I found an interesting piece of rough wood. I ran it through the planer and was surprised at what I had. I have no idea what kind of wood it is, but it is a beautiful dark brown and would make a great desk edge. That is as soon as I can figure out how to attach it.

Office Guardians