Music comes from an icicle as it melts, to live again as spring water.

Henry Williamson

My self-imposed exile, oh calĺed self-quarantine is almost over. If I ever did have COVID I am almost done the incubation period. Obviously I am still alive. Most likely I had a mild cold and not COVID at all.

I am upstairs at my new desk! Wanting to get to work. It is 6:30 AM. I managed to find a caulking gun in the dark, I know where the caulking is, what I didn’t know was the location of a putty knife.  Come on, a few months ago I put down my Bluetooth headphones, they are somewhere. Somewhere safe.

The disease I do suffer from is very hard on my memory. It doesn’t matter if that is Lymes, MS or early-onset all three have memory problems as symptoms.

My dream is to have organized workshops with little felt pen outlines on the wall where all tools are hung in their rightful place, instead of piles of tools. At least most of those tools are in the right rooms, mostly. Ok some of them.

I sit now writing words, waiting for more daylight. So I  can gather what I need to proceed, at least I have my morning coffee beside me.

A few hours later the wall is caulked, I am ready for a nap.

Had my old man nap it is 6:06 PM. Had a look outside the big melt is underway. In one day my pond has a big puddle on top. I am suggesting there is two feet of ice under the puddle.

Tomorrow I will have to go out and cut firewood. I am only filling the wood stove once a day. That means finding fire starter every day.

Today no problem, I had a box of wood shavings from the planer. A by-product of the desk project.

Tomorrow the scramble will be on. Usually, I start the fire in September and shut it off in May.

The days have been warm and the temp up in the loft is always warmer. I notice the difference walking down the stairs.

Today I moved a monitor some speakers and the xbox upstairs. I have them mounted I have yet to route the wiring, maybe tomorrow.

Tuesday my 14 days is up and just in time. I am running low on cat food. I hope there is some in the store.