God hangs the greatest weights upon the smallest wires

Francis Bacon

Not much to report today I worked on my desk. Today was wiring of the electronics, I also brought up my desktop. I discovered that cats had been using it as a litterbox. I spent an hour getting that clean I haven’t fired it up yet. The next release of Ubuntu is in a few days. I wanted to be ready for that.

Of course like everything I build, the desk is too small. Not enough leg room underneath. In my mind I  have already solved that with a drop leaf. That will also serve as a way to lock the contents. I will design that tommorrow at the desk using sketchup, or the old fashioned way with pencil and paper.

I traveled up and down the stairs today about twenty times, it is very painful on damaged knees. I look forward to doing that less. I still have more to bring up and one day all the tools I brought up there  to do the work will need to come down.

I had planned on driving to town to pickup a few groceries tommorrow but decided to wait. I need to do a little work around the house.