“I’m a neurotic fiction writer who’d like to be a cowboy.”

Thomas McGuane

Woke to more snow, yes I regret not getting more wood while it was dry yesterday. I fed the cats, got on my gear and went out to the log pile. I knew there would be logs already cut that were swallowed by the deep snow Apr 1 now gone. I found enough heavy wet wood to fill the wheelbarrow with as much as I thought I could handle then lifted, pushed and pulled the load over logs. During winter the packed snow made a nice flat roadway. Now that the snow was gone, not including this morning’s contribution of fluffy wet Vancouver snow, getting a heavy load out of the woodpile was a challenge. One that caused chest pains in a not good place. If I die I blame DR. Irvine at the Fairview hospital that promised me to order a stress test and a carotid exam. Those things didn’t happen after he made it to the nurses’ station where I know they are spreading bad rumours to make sure I don’t get medical help.

After getting inside it was just a matter of remembering where the aspirin was. Aspirin found chewed and forced up against the underside of my tongue. I started to upload the pictures and write a few words. Later I would have to gas up the gen, split the wood and bring back inside. That wasn’t a bad plan, My solar batteries were low I left my laptop on all night doing a large transfer to google drive. Finished now.

The forecast says sun this afternoon. Well, it is time to do the deeds, gas up and split.

Got the splittin’ done. Wood was so wet that it will keep the house humidified for days as it dries. As for burning it no. I put the driest pieces I had in the woodstove over the few hot coals left. I will try igniting those tonight after they have had time to dry out a little.

Well, it is gaming Sunday, I will flip a coin to see if I will kill religious cultists or bad Pinkertons, on my Xbox.