I was horribly assaulted by the monster in the picture above. It ran full speed at my shoe, crawled up and started to purr loudly. I was frozen in my tracks, forced to pick it up and pet it. That just made it purr louder.

Now if you have read my previous posts, you already know I have too many cats, that makes me the crazy old cat man.

Even if the evidence says that I don’t think I am. I have a big house I live alone, winters here kill cats. I can’t be responsible for that. So I take care of them. I have way more than I want. I would be happy with a couple or three.

I don’t want rehome them, I have tried that, I have met the most horrible people that way. So that is not an answer.

I feed them, I clean up after them and I try to keep them safe, the best I can.