All this pain is going to come back and make me stronger.

Clarence Clemons

There are forces that seem to work against me. Yesterday I had a productive day planned. I got started on doing some work minor cleanup and then it happened something snapped in my lower back. The pain was excruciating, and yes I did scream like a little girl, and continued to do that everytime I made the smallest move. I still had to feed and water the animals and get catfood, and cat litter. That wasn’t much fun.

I managed to get that done and made back to my bed, where I spent the entire day and night trying to rest. Every little movement came with screaming and even getting up to pee was a very slow and loud process.

This wasn’t the first time for this. It had happened three or four times before. Not any for years, it had nothing to do with the  spinal injuries I already had, this was in my lower back.

It is 30 hours after I hurt my back, it is slightly  better but still very took me 15 minutes to get down 10 stairs, make a coffee and feed the animals, normally it would take me less than five.  My plans would have to wait, it was going to be a few days for me to recover.