Governments are supposed to lie to their citizens.

Noam Chomsky

The back pain is less today but not gone. It was a slow and painful trip out to the water tank to get my five-gallon pail of water to filter. There was something swimming in it. Something small. Ya don’t worry I filter it twice once through a filter to remove the bugs and debris and then again through Berkey’s. That leaves me with pure water. Not like you get from Nestle. I remember when they used to just make chocolate. Now they own almost every brand of bottled water on the market. Even the stuff you buy at Costco and funny enough they also own their own Cancer research company, like the cancer that comes from BPA found in the plastics used in water bottles, coincidence I don’t think so. I stopped buying because it took almost twice as long to filter through the Berkeys. I found that suspicious as I do the governments’ response to COVID, every Government.

We are being lied to. At every turn. I don’t need to expand on that, you already know. Lest I have a sudden accident or another attempt on my life by the Nurse and doctors of the local hospitals. You may think that absurd I do not. I expect my life to end prematurely you can find the truth in my previous post especially the ones with stars.