No man is hurt but by himself.


I am a little worried. I did too much lifting and I threw out my lower back again, only much worse than before. I had to crawl up the stairs to my loft. I managed to get back in to bed but now I can’t move. I am thankful I fed and watered the cats before this happened. I have a half a cup of cold coffee beside me and a pound of peanuts, so I won’t starve. I have my tablet and 76 percent charge, so I  can keep from getting bored watching old episodes of Castle.

I can’t even roll from one side to the other without screaming. I can only pray that I will be able to move tomorrow. I am a little concerned about what will happen when I need to pee, I will have to cross that river when I come to it. 😂 oh, no writing about it may have been a bad idea, I think that time is now, there will be screaming involved.

Two hours later I am back in my bed hurt much worse again. I managed to get to an old Costco 15l water bottle so l could pee, but I had to crawl on my belly moving one inch at a time. Screaming all the way. After peeing, I managed to pull myself into my chair. That was all good until I sneezed, then my back went locked into extreme pain mode. It was constant and agonizing.

Another hour of crawling got me stuck laying on the floor trapped between the mattress and my took another half hour to get my self out of there, now under my desk I reached overhead and managed to grab my now charging tablet almost pulled my laptop on the floor. I got the tablet onto the bed. Next was getting me there.

Another half-hour on screaming pain I made it on to my bed. The pain is constant now I can’t get comfortable. I tried to roll over that took another ten minutes. That didn’t help, another ten minutes to roll back. The pain is considerable but a little less. Not much but a little.

There is no one that can help me, my outer doors are locked. I can’t even call an ambulance, no way for them to get me. Especially without losing cats to the outside. No way for them even to get a gurney close to me or even out the door.

I couldn’t help thinking if this was some kind of Karmic debt being paid I must have done terrible things in my last life.

I have a theory about this, my abdomen is swollen. I think the extra weight I am carrying cause my lower back to go out. I think its cancer. Yesterday I looked at my tongue, it’s sore. I thought it was because I accidentally hit my dentist’s drill with it on my last visit. But I don’t think that’s it. It looks like cancer there too, I have been trying to see about the pain in my throat for quite a while and no doctor has taken that seriously. With nurses swaying the doctors with some bad rumours about me, I am not able to get medical help. I think that cancer has spread everywhere even my brain. So that means I may be on my way to dying. I hope I am wrong. But I don’t think I am.

Something is very wrong, my back keeps locking up in spasms causing extreme pain. My abdomen is rock hard. I don’t know what to do.  The pain is extreme.

I went to the hospital. I crawled, till I could stand up, then one careful step at a time I made to the garage after a rest, I managed to get the doors open, a little gas poured directly into the engine of my old Gracie and got rolling down the highway to Spirit River Hospital. That story in my next post.