If the coffee can taste so good with nothing else in it, then that’s a good cup of coffee.


Another hard day another perfect cup of coffee. The amazing thing about that is I lost the spoon I carefully measure the amount of coffee to put in the cone I did what I did yesterday just dumped some into the cone till it looked right and poured the hot water through. I have a lot of hard things in my life right now, so I enjoy what little pleasures come my way.

My new coffee heater

A few days ago I got a new camp stove to heat my coffee with. It is great the old one was about 15 years young, dirty from very bad cats, old food and worse. The new one has a stainless tray below the burners and actually has a working igniter. On the old one I was using and expired barbecue lighter with a piezo device. If you sparked it enough times and fast enough the propane might ignite, and you would be left without the smell of burning hand hair. Price for my new stove: $69.95 and free shipping.

It doesn’t cure my health problems or clean my kitchen, but one small corner of my world is a little better today.

It took a while to find a version of this Bob Dylan song I liked.