An actress once advised me, ‘Make sure you do your own laundry – it will keep you honest.’

Cate Blanchett

Today was my day to do laundry. I recently bought an apartment size washer with spinner. For the first time since 2014, I can wash my clothes and I can do that without worrying about being exposed to Corona.

Today I used about 4 ounces of gasoline in my generator, and I hauled 5 4 gallon buckets of water from my rainwater tank That was a little hard on my back but it got done. I used new eco-friendly tru earth laundry strips, no big plastic container to dispose of and enough strips to do 32 loads of laundry. No this isn’t sponsored.

The water turned dark brown immediately. To me that means the machine is working. An hour later I managed 5 loads in the machine and hung up the laundry on my front porch to dry. Only set back is no lint removal. I can live with that for now.

No that’s not a cat in there

I had a helper in the front yard while I was getting water