Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.

Khalil Gibran

Another rough night, it is 4:42 AM I seem to wake at that time a lot. No idea why. I had a severe headache, 10 on the Richter scale, again the same location left hemisphere. Also, sharp pain just below my ribs left side at the front of my body, that was a 5. Some minor sneezing and coughing yesterday. Sore throat too but the same one I have had for years. Same for the sneezing and coughing. No fever temp is 36.3 where it is always.

Waking pulse 64 oxygen @ 95 percent. Do I think it is COVID, nope? Timing is wrong. But possible. Do I think that cancer has spread into my brain, or I am having another TIA more likely?

My belly is swollen and hard. The weird thing my groin has been feeling very hot. But temp down there is the same 36.3.  I aimed a small USB fan in that direction for a few minutes things down there did feel better. I have decided to ride it out and see how the next few days go.

As I write this I am also having pain left side kidney area. Had the same pain before. Headache is minor right now. I did drop a couple of low dose enteric-coated aspirin about ten minutes ago. With a large cup of water. I am not taking any other medication right now.

Do I think I will die today? Nope. Will I feel uncomfortable most likely. Do I worry about it nope, do I worry about my herd of cats yup.

I managed to get my morning chores done. Cats fed, coffee made, pictures took. Balance was a big problem and my eyes had more than a normal amount of guck in them. Focus is difficult. The headache continues but at about a 5.

My day included a visit from a dear deer friend.
Evening storms on their way.