If something bothers you, focus on the solution or the desired outcome, not the part that has you spinning out in the middle of the night.

Jen Sincero

Frustrated mosquitos buzz around my head on their side of the net I finally got up. There are many that really want to feed and can’t. I am thankful of that. But if I dare step out of my mesh tent, they attack with vigour.  I won’t be playing on my Xbox, nor will I go outside again.  For now, cats are fed and watered, but at some time today I need to fetch water, clean litter boxes and try to do more cleanup. I have so much of that to do. I need a dozen clones but there is only me and looks like more rain. That back may not be built until frostfall.

Feel very dizzy. I managed four hours of sleep O2 is from 94 to 97 after feeding the cats and going outside to snap a few pics. Working on my temp as I type. 36.3  as always. I have been watching COVID day by day progressions. I don’t seem to match those. There was one that did have some interest for me. One that showed the temp stayed normal until day 5 or 6 then jumps to 37 and two days later jumps to 39. I still think that cancer is my problem, but staying home for a few days is what I do anyway.

I just took a walk around the outside of the house. I fed black swarms till they were fat and bloody, just so I coulfd take a few pictures. It was worth it.
The mosquitos should be already gone but the cool rainy weather never finished and is still happening.